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October 2022 – FinTech introduction The Netherlands 2023 (Chambers – FG Lawyers)
December 2021 – Secondary trading of Crowdfunding Investments
November – December 2021 – Blog Series on the New Crowdfunding Framework
May 2021 – Response FG Lawyers consultation ESMA RTS and ITS Crowdfunding Regulation
March 2021 – Tokenisation and the Dutch regulatory regime (in Dutch only)
November 2020 – Consultation Amendment Act Financial Markets 2022 (in Dutch only)
November 2020 – Legal500 FinTech Comparative Guide 2020
October 2020 – Crowdfunding Regulation published
September 2020 – Annotation ECLI:NL:GHSHE:2020:1639 published in JOR 2020/208 (in Dutch only)
April 2020 – Law requests Dutch financial regulators DNB and AFM 2020 (in Dutch only)
April 2020 – Consultation legal framework crypto assets – response FG Lawyers
November 2019 – Legal500 FinTech Comparative Guide – Netherlands
January 2019 – Response FG Lawyers draft bill implementing AMLD5 (in Dutch only)
June 2018 – Managers of crypto funds – be prepared!
May 2018 – Response European Crowdfunding Regulation
March 2018 – European Commission brings crowdfunding to the next level
January 2018 – The month of the Crypto’s [Blog]
June 2017 – Response FG Lawyers – FinTech Consultation European Commission
January 2017 – Most important regulatory obstacles to cross border crowdfunding
October 2016 – Response (in Dutch) Draft Bill Investment Objects and Investment Bonds
May 2016 – CrowdFundRES Report
April 2016 – New crowdfunding rules
March 2016 – Crowdfunding Crossing Borders Report
Alternative finance and FinTech and FG Lawyers – a logical choice
June 2015 – Q&A Debt Sale
April 2015 – Consultation reaction Crowdfunding Decree (in Dutch only)
Anne Hakvoort (Attorney-at-law)
Anne Hakvoort graduated from Leiden University in 2005 and received an LL.M. degree from Columbia University in New York in 2006. Anne completed the specialization course in Dutch securities laws at the Grotius Academy with distinction (‘cum laude’) in 2010. Between 2006 and 2012 she was a lawyer at NautaDutilh and between 2012 and 2015, Anne worked as a lawyer at Eversheds. Anne specializes in Dutch financial and securities laws with a special focus on Fintech and alternative financing structures (crowdfunding, market place lending, peer 2 peer lending, credit unions, business angels, debt sale, factoring).
Anne has broad experience in different types of financial transactions, including debt and equity capital markets transactions, syndicated and bilateral facilities, complex transactions in financial products including securitisations as well as financial restructurings.With great enthusiasm, Anne advises her clients on financial regulatory law related matters and she assists her clients in structuring their contemplated business models within the boundaries set by the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht.
Her expertise is with the offering of, advising in and intermediation in respect of financial products such as investment products (beleggingsobjecten), consumer finance (consumptief krediet), mortgage credit (hypothecair krediet) (MCD), participation rights in investment funds (AIFMD) and insurances (Solvency II), as well as the provision of investment services (MiFID), the provision of payment services (PSD), the offering and placement of securities (effecten) and market abuse regulations (Prospectus Regulation and MAR).
Anne’s clients generally are crowdfunding platforms, Fintech companies, credit unions, qualified investors, banks, financial services providers, (managers of) investment funds, insurance companies and investment firms such as brokers, underwriters and asset managers.
Anne is registered in the following principal legal practice area in the Netherlands Bar’s register: Financial Law. Anne is a member of the Association for Financial Law (Vereniging voor Financieel Recht).
Since April 2020, Anne is a fellow of the International Center for Financial law and Governance, a research center of the Erasmus School of Law.
What clients say about Anne:
“Anne’s extensive knowledge of Dutch financial legislation and her out-of-the-box thinking have been of great value in the process of obtaining a license for an a-typical bank” -Richard van der Linde, Chairman Full Reserve Foundation (Depositobank)
“Anne Hakvoort van FG laywers heeft ons zeer professioneel ondersteund bij het opstellen van de juridische stukken horende bij het aantrekken van gelden volgens de Wet toezicht Kredietunies. Anne’s actuele kennis en signaalfunctie over nieuwe ontwikkelingen op het terrein van wetgeving en politiek is echt een steun in de rug voor ons en de bij ons aangesloten kredietunies” – Georgie Friederichs, Vereniging Samenwerkende Kredietunies
“Anne Hakvoort has supported us with all kind of legal matters. Her in depth (legal) knowledge of the Fintech industry, combined with her great work ethics, makes Anne a valuable partner to every business in our industry and beyond.” – Jeroen Broekema, Managing Director Funding Circle Nederland B.V.
“Inmiddels heb ik ervaren dat een klant van FG Lawyers veel meer krijgt dan puur juridisch advies. Naast de uitstekende begeleiding waarin advocate Anne Hakvoort mij namelijk voorziet, stelt zij mij tevens in staat sneller in business te gaan door haar zeer uitgebreide netwerk in te zetten en mee te denken over uiteenlopende zakelijke uitdagingen. Gecombineerd met een persoonlijke en flexibele aanpak is FG Lawyers een ideale partner voor mij als ondernemer in de financiële dienstverlening.” – Dieter Lens, Crowd Lease B.V.
“Anne and the team at FG Lawyers are innovation lawyers and pioneers. They are leading the development and understanding of the legal framework surrounding new fintech industries, including our own one of Equity Crowdfunding. Anne works as if she is a partner in the businesses rather than just a legal advisor and I cannot recommend them wholeheartedly enough.” – Christopher Thomas, Eureeca Ltd.
“Anne Hakvoort heeft Santander Consumer Finance ondersteund in de totstandkoming van een aantal complexe transacties. Gedurende de onderhandelingen hebben ik en mijn team Anne leren kennen als zeer deskundig, ze vervuld uitstekend de rol van strategisch en juridisch adviseur en sparringspartner. Anne denkt in mogelijkheden en wil de business realiteit binnen de juridische context mogelijk maken (en niet andersom), een eigenschap die ik bijzonder waardeer. Anne zal voor de komende jaren onze adviseur en sparringspartner zijn en blijven.” – Casper Sonnega, Santander Consumer Finance.
“Anne’s actuele en brede kennis van het financieel toezichtrecht heeft ons enorm geholpen bij het opstarten van Bloqhouse. Gedurende het gehele traject wist ze de technisch complexe materie zonder moeite te interpreteren en te plaatsen binnen de kaders van de wet. Ook bleef Anne ten alle tijden denken in mogelijkheden en is een sterke sparringpartner gebleken. Haar volhardende houding moet daarbij worden uitgelicht, iets wat een startende ondernemer de juridische zekerheid biedt die nodig is.” – Tim Rutgers, Bloqhouse